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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2020

Warning May Start Talking About D And D Shirt

Buy it:  Warning May Start Talking About D And D Shirt We all end up back in lockdown so let's look at it this way apart from now this country has never ever been locked down for anything not even for the Spanish flu. it just wont work.leicester people will just travel to other areas.pointless in england.others have followed guidelines and will be punished because of idiots.god help the nhs again. Full coverage of all costs for businesses and individuals or they don't get to control us, that sounds more reasonable than the  Warning May Start Talking About D And D Shirt current situation. Asda meat processing factory have massive outbreak, south Leicestershire is home to 4 massive. Warning May Start Talking About D And D Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  Asda warehouses where staff work very close together and staff come from all over Leicestershire and Warwickshire to work there. This was predictable but keeping closed what is currently closed will ...

This Weekend I’ve Decided To Do A Juice Cleanse And By Juice I Mean Beer Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  This Weekend I’ve Decided To Do A Juice Cleanse And By Juice I Mean Beer Vintage Shirt The same restrictions that are already in place. The same restrictions that have been ignored by sufficient numbers of people in Leicester and has resulted in the surge Surely continuing to extend the exact same restrictions as a response is effectively no response at all From the  This Weekend I’ve Decided To Do A Juice Cleanse And By Juice I Mean Beer Vintage Shirt beginning of the coronavirus pandemic the global elites have saturated us with fear and panic. They do this primarily to cause confusion which acts as a cover for what they are really doing.  This Weekend I’ve Decided To Do A Juice Cleanse And By Juice I Mean Beer Vintage Shirt,  Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. The media had one unrelenting message and we, the collective global population, signed off on that. Then we were told there would be no going back, that the lockdown and the crashing of the ...

The Beer Vs The Buffalo Get Out Before They Go Down Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  The Beer Vs The Buffalo Get Out Before They Go Down Vintage Shirt Welcome to the Plannedemic. Most will recover some will recover but will never be the same and others will not survive . We need to adapt to what normal is and for everyone's sake young or old respect the freedom we are given by lifting of restrictions and not act stupidly by abusing them The Beer Vs The Buffalo Get Out Before They Go Down Vintage Shirt freedom for large demonstrations packed recreational areas sports grounds and house parties will come but not until covid-19 is beaten and not just controlled. The Beer Vs The Buffalo Get Out Before They Go Down Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  You are responsible for tens of thousands who have died from lockdown and all those who will die from it in the future, you fake news peddling, fear mongering shills. Where is all this money coming from our taxes will be higher now. Nothing about the families of people with altzeime...

Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Red Hair Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Red Hair Vintage Shirt  Boris worried more about schools. wtaf are you talking about Are you seriously saying that educational reform is needed now, during the greatest educational shift of centuries. Don't you think that the decade of major reform that teachers have just suffered has been enough I seriously hope that what you're referring to is revising the literature selection to embrace and not another pointless overhaul for the sake of it. I’m a bit more worried about what’s happening to our young people at the  Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Red Hair Vintage Shirt  moment as Sam pointed out. Teachers get paid to do a job education impacts our young people’s chances for the rest of their lives.  Never Underestimate An Old Woman With Red Hair Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. Months missed from school, sporadic and inconsistent service from schools across the Country threats t...

I’m Not In A Bad Mood Everyone Is Just Annoying Shirt

Buy it:  I’m Not In A Bad Mood Everyone Is Just Annoying Shirt More and more children with challenges are being excluded from education in schools and I agree it's time for a change. is a tiny fraction of what's needed given cuts over the last decade and more. Is another soundbyte seeking to distract us from government incompetence Isn’t it strange how when Labour suggest things like this we get told how there’s not a magic money tree and that they’re trying to bankrupt the country but when the  I’m Not In A Bad Mood Everyone Is Just Annoying Shirt Tories suggest it there is silence. Renewable energy is set to cost billions, and bills will rise every country with high renewables has seen large rises.  I’m Not In A Bad Mood Everyone Is Just Annoying Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. I don't want to see fuel poverty added to these problems; stop the headlong rush to stupidity. Well in I went to secondary school and was told we would have a new school be...

Easily Distracted By Horses And Dogs Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  Easily Distracted By Horses And Dogs Vintage Shirt  Take it the tory magic money tree is in bloom again. Wonder this will end up like the non existent new housing or the non existent new hospitals. Not to mention that it isnt just about building classrooms to solve the issue, there are a whole host extra resources and staff needed for those extra kids as well. So another bone so that the  Easily Distracted By Horses And Dogs Vintage Shirt Sheep will have something g to bleet about! Sure they won't question why Schools get million when they have already identified they need billion for repairsSeems like this is a non announcement.  Easily Distracted By Horses And Dogs Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. Building schools for the future was stopped, there have been funding cuts throughout the years of Tory austerity, leaving over £6billion worth of arrears in repairs. This is a mirage set in the future. What schools need immediately a...

Black Cat I Had My Patience Tested I’m Negative Shirt

Buy it:  Black Cat I Had My Patience Tested I’m Negative Shirt  So rather than fund teachers and equipment now you start a programme to build academies again not understanding what is needed and why in the sector. You need to build houses and fund school equipment and teacher training! While you are at it convert some large offices not in use to temporary class rooms where needed. Lets hope the  Black Cat I Had My Patience Tested I’m Negative Shirt are well built and fit for purpose and not cheap easy profit buildings for the construction industry to make a few quid from.  Yes, time to do something about that government that announced scrapping the 'Building. Black Cat I Had My Patience Tested I’m Negative Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. Schools for the Future' programme ten years ago - on July to be precise. Johnson can ask the man who trashed the plans for schools at that time, one Michael Gove. as recession hits they may bring in more remote...

Barre The Last Jete Wars Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  Barre The Last Jete Wars Vintage Shirt Money is needed for the North and the have created a separation from London with their attitude - they are not a company for the people of the  Barre The Last Jete Wars Vintage Shirt they are too London biased and London is now separated and a mess because of this. When this rebuilding schools fund was first spoke about several years ago it was supposed to be billion So before it’s even started funds have reduced/ disappeared  That is unlikely to provide you with resilience and economic continuity in case of unprecedented occurences like corona, etc. You are going to be benchmarked per. Barre The Last Jete Wars Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. Predefined area of the population according to how many and who has and who has not the highest quality, full and complete eleven product package given that highest quality transportation, education schools, healthcare hospitals are simply three out of the...

A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone He Also Needs A Dog Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone He Also Needs A Dog Vintage Shirt   Errm, these things are already closed anyway so how is this in any way a lockdown. Clear that Bungling Boris has got bored of the  A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone He Also Needs A Dog Vintage Shirt  virus.  Im sure after a couple weeks of pubs being open we will all be back in lockdown anyways. As if we can just have a sensible quiet drink in this country All this talk of pubs. An area lockdown surely would entail restrictions of people being on the streets for whatever reason and having to prove to police why they are out.  A Man Cannot Survive On Beer Alone He Also Needs A Dog Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. This is what other countries have done. We don’t know what a true ‘lockdown’ is here. I feel so sorry for the people who have followed the guidelines let alone the who will be dealing with the spike Well its inevitable that pubs and restaur...

Retired Teacher Noun Just Like A Regular Teacher Only Way Happier Shirt

Buy it:  Retired Teacher Noun Just Like A Regular Teacher Only Way Happier Shirt I don't know Leicester but why is it such a problem areaFabulous. Now the population of Leicester will travel to surrounding countryside or cities for a meal out. Another half arsed measure. I should hope they will stay closed a bit longer now, under the  Retired Teacher Noun Just Like A Regular Teacher Only Way Happier Shirt circumstances. You can thank the covid its who ignored everything for this. To be honest it's too early for pubs and restaurants to be open anywhere also restrictions need to be in place to restrict the large crazy dangerous gatherings on beaches and public places. Retired Teacher Noun Just Like A Regular Teacher Only Way Happier Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  It's not safe yet the "go out and enjoy yourselves message " johnson put out was irresponsible dangerous and wrong. The government said at the beginning of easing lock down we should be ...

My Attitude Is As Big As My Butt You’re Been Warned Shirt

Buy it:  My Attitude Is As Big As My Butt You’re Been Warned Shirt  I drive a hybrid and drive to the speed limit but because it has such a quiet engine and people’s aren’t looking I feel on edge when I see pedestrians People are driving faster and faster and not just since lockdown. You cant do on the motorway anymore without having some knob up your backside. And the accompanying reduction in risk to other road users people, swings and roundabouts. I'd have thought incidents and fatalities have dropped significantly, that would be a nice outcome. And the  My Attitude Is As Big As My Butt You’re Been Warned Shirt accompanying reduction in risk to other road users people, swings and roundabouts. My Attitude Is As Big As My Butt You’re Been Warned Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  I'd have thought incidents and fatalities have dropped significantly, that would be a nice outcome. In the circumstances it's good to delay opening the pubs but restric...

Matt Foley Well La Dee Frickin Da Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  Matt Foley Well La Dee Frickin Da Vintage Shirt On motorways you still have idiots who lane hog. Still people pull out into another lane without judging the speed of the approaching vehicle causing them to slam on. They should lose their licence for excessive speeding with heavy fines and in some cases jail for the  Matt Foley Well La Dee Frickin Da Vintage Shirt ones who think they're in formula. That's how its dealt with in Norway Oh no there wasn't but speed death and evil destruction. Must fine Not like the limit was set in the on drum brakes Speed limits are for safety. Matt Foley Well La Dee Frickin Da Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  If you were on a motorway on your own with no cars anywhere near you, in lockdown, then more than probably up to is perfectly safe. zone is dangerous as much more likely you will kill someone if you hit them and there are more likely to be pedestrians. Motorways are safest roads no pedestrians an...

Good Christian Gay Shirt

Buy it:  Good Christian Gay Shirt   But I wouldn’t say any more unless harsher punishments for driving while on the phone are brought in. Considering the amount of cars you had at that time, and obviously the numbers of deaths. Maybe it isn't so bad to have it as it is. Apart maybe of the thing. There are more than times the  Good Christian Gay Shirt cars on the road as when the limit was introduced. Drivers' perception skills and reaction times haven't changed during that time. Jay Robinson the answer is yes, if a speedy kills someone you know you would be. Good Christian Gay Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. The first to say why aren’t the police doing there job. most deaths are caused by driver error not speeding yet all the effort goes into stopping speeding that shows it’s about revenue not safety after all I can drive to Germany and drive as fast as I want are my driving skills any different when I cross a border. Home: Shop Trendingshirts

Dare To Be Conservative Shirt

Buy it:  Dare To Be Conservative Shirt It's better to contain it early cos they don't want to go on total lockdown again. It's a brilliant from the Chinese government I think A motorway speed limit designed for the past, motorway restrictions for works to be carried out months later, limits on high traffic access roads yeah, you’ll get people ignoring the  Dare To Be Conservative Shirt laws if they’re not fit for purpose. I’m not saying doing is ok it is good fun though but speed limits are a joke as they stand. For all the slugs in here demanding absolute bans, sod off you narrow minded plebs. Dare To Be Conservative Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  Given the limit was set over years ago when cars, relative to today, were made of tin foil with significantly worse breaks the clearly needs increasing. these days the argument against raising the speed limit is the increase in pollution that higher speeds cause. To be fair that was back when people use...

Strong Hand Baby Lives Matter Shirt

Buy it:  Strong Hand Baby Lives Matter Shirt March when the virus was all over the country and no one gave a toss. Plus the virus is regarded by the government and scientists as relitively mild. Martin Hill the virus is not regarded as mild by doctors and scientists. It’s a new virus, that leads to of people requiring hospitalisation. The only reason the percent is high for hospitals admissions is because the  Strong Hand Baby Lives Matter Shirt  vast majority of people being tested were hospitals admissions. the virus is officially milder than your average flu and millions had the virus upto March. The hospitals weren't busy and very few people appeared to die from it.  Strong Hand Baby Lives Matter Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. Then lockdown came just as the virus was fading, less people appeared to have it, yey loads of people died. You work it out. December doesn’t suddenly mean the virus was everywhere. It clearly wasn’t because need hos...

Sloth Grab Your Balls Its Canning Season Flower Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  Sloth Grab Your Balls Its Canning Season Flower Vintage Shirt By the way, we just buried a cousin last week that died from it, he left behind a wife and two kids. Is anyone truly surprised about the comments from journalists and people like you Is anyone truly surprised about the  Sloth Grab Your Balls Its Canning Season Flower Vintage Shirt comments from journalists and people like you How is it nobody mentioned unions shout we won , as government backed of pushing for more schools to open, many teachers ignored communist leader of union and carried on teaching, but today a lot of teachers political stance comes first not the children as used to be Unfortunately measures have been announced with too much 'puff'. Sloth Grab Your Balls Its Canning Season Flower Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  'I can today announce', 'world beating' etc, etc, so that when inevitably there were problems the disappointment was greater. If it had b...

People Of Color Black Shirt

Buy it:  People Of Color Black Shirt Blue murder that it's racist, but I'm sure someone will soon told this before but I'll tell it again. Back in yes, I know it's not or not the same virus my great Aunt taught school in Minnesota. When the first wave came in nine of the kids got sick. The  People Of Color Black Shirt next fall, the second wave hit, my great aunt caught it on Monday she was dead by Wednesday. All of her kids except right died also. There were kids and her in a one room school house.  People Of Color Black Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. Keep in mind that even back then people were wearing masks, and social distancing until they celebrated the end of. Then they all got together and celebrated. That is when to million died. I have three grandkids, I hope and pray that they don't open the schools and stay with computer taught classes until they come up with shots to stop this virus.  Home: Shop Trendingshirts

If I Die While Lifting Weights Add More Weights Then Call 911 Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  If I Die While Lifting Weights Add More Weights Then Call 911 Vintage Shirt But this target was frequently not being met. The Govt charts show the number is unavailable so where did Cleverly pluck hundreds of thousands daily from The Govt must be held to account for stating inaccurate figures and back peddling on their own advice. No wonder schools lack the  If I Die While Lifting Weights Add More Weights Then Call 911 Vintage Shirt information to back up any decision to open. was once trustworthy. sadly no longer, you must be ashamed of yourselves when you wake up every morning and face your mirror for betraying the people who pay your wages Lord above.  If I Die While Lifting Weights Add More Weights Then Call 911 Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. When the app was announced you screamed blue murder about privacy concerns. When they changed the app to a model without centralised data stockage to accommodate the Big Brother-ites you s...

Horse Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Vintage Retro Shirt

Buy it:  Horse Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Vintage Retro Shirt Found,or its high positive cases rate is low. Track and trace will only work if law and that's not going to happen as its not enforceable and any way. Wash your hands, stay away from crowds if you have symptoms and put on clean pants in the morning The  Horse Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Vintage Retro Shirt Govt itself declared that the App and the ability not only to test but to trace was crucial to easing lockdown. Tracing by phone is failing to identify hotspots infected people are capable of phoning their friends, relatives and employers themselves, it's the unknown contacts who. Horse Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Vintage Retro Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. Need to be traced, shops, public buildings and schools they have been in need to be identified so that if others with positive tests results have those same places in common, hot spots can be identifie...

Cool For Your Father’s Day Gift I Got You Another Year Or Not Having To Pay For My Wedding Shirt

Buy it:  Cool For Your Father’s Day Gift I Got You Another Year Or Not Having To Pay For My Wedding Shirt She said it won't be maths. Instead it will be asking them what they have been doing at home during lockdown and how their caregivers have been, knowing that some will have experienced seeing people I'll with covid, perhaps separated from them because of admission to hospital or even the loss of a loved one. Any children will be aware of the  Cool For Your Father’s Day Gift I Got You Another Year Or Not Having To Pay For My Wedding Shirt possibility of taking an infection home, while others will seek out physical contact with others as they don't experience cuddles or positive interventions at home. Cool For Your Father’s Day Gift I Got You Another Year Or Not Having To Pay For My Wedding Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  It is sad that only now do the government acknowledge the role beyond education that schools and their teachers fulfilling an...

Best Firefighter Dad Ever Vintage Shirt

Buy it:  Best Firefighter Dad Ever Vintage Shirt Instead it will be asking them what they have been doing at home during lockdown and how their caregivers have been, knowing that some will have experienced seeing people I'll with covid, perhaps separated from them because of admission to hospital or even the loss of a loved one. Any children will be aware of the  Best Firefighter Dad Ever Vintage Shirt possibility of taking an infection home, while others will seek out physical contact with others as they don't experience cuddles or positive interventions at home. It is sad that only now do the government acknowledge. Best Firefighter Dad Ever Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. The role beyond education that schools and their teachers fulfilling and sadder still that the only took that they appear to have to speed up the reopening schools for all is by the use of bullying I asked my daughter, a primary school teacher who has continued to work, abou...

Strong Hand Black Lives Matter 2020 Shirt

Buy it:  Strong Hand Black Lives Matter 2020 Shirt I agree. I'm not saying pubs and restaurants are as important as education just that the industry has suffered from the same approach. An announcement made with no substance to back it up. leaving those who have to plan to implement the announcement in an impossible position.  track and trace would never work no matter who did it, as there are far too many vairables - the  Strong Hand Black Lives Matter 2020 Shirt person who types in a wrong number for a contact, the person who does not want their number handed out, the person who thinks they may have been in contact. Strong Hand Black Lives Matter 2020 Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies. With corona but also has to pay their rent and chooses to go to work, and the person who ignores what they think is spam calls or messages I asked my daughter, a primary school teacher who has continued to work, about her priorities for children returning to school. Sh...

Pug American Flag Usa 4th July Independence Day Shirt

Buy it:  Pug American Flag Usa 4th July Independence Day Shirt We need a long term safe method in order to send children to school. It's the same failings with pubs and restaurants. An opening date is announced for July but then nothing happens. Guidance was supposed to be produced by June but still has not been produced. In days the  Pug American Flag Usa 4th July Independence Day Shirt government has not managed to produce guidance but pubs and restaurants are meant to implement that guidance in less than days. It's bonkers. pubs and restaurants hardly on a par with education. Pug American Flag Usa 4th July Independence Day Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  They represent jobs and a livelihood and social health maybe but not as essential as education, particularly as the inequalities which divide us are levelled through education. Same lack of planning joined up teamwork after great announcements though  I think if you actually listen to what ...

Nike Roots Rock Reggae Shirt

Buy it:  Nike Roots Rock Reggae Shirt You get to listen to music which is difficult to do when cycling And besides they plague the roads like potholes generating traffic and slowing people who actually have a life and have to work. If doesn't pay road tax shouldn't be on the road. Probably longer depending on the  Nike Roots Rock Reggae Shirt washing machine, dryer, tv, vacuum cleaner, school uniforms, holidays, new cars, new tablets, so far It's been over years So why should I expect it to happen any time soon. Nike Roots Rock Reggae Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.   I have out of kids back and school and both schools have done an incredible job to make the kids feel safe and normal again. It's all down to the communication from the Head Teacher down as to how they will look after our kids that has left us in no doubt we are doing the right thing, track and trace or not. Andrew Waller they have only small no of children at school. Home: Shop Trend...

Make The D9 Black Again Shirt

Buy it:  Make The D9 Black Again Shirt   I bought a bike for my years old boy last month, he learned so fast. I'm happy that he learned a new skill during the lockdown. I ordered a folding bike for myself and it will arrive next Monday Just take any bike off the Make The D9 Black Again Shirt street which is unlocked unchained law clearly states that this is fair and legal, and socially-minded people can just use it once and then return it to where they found it. one should be allowed to cycle again until they've had Bill Gates big pharma rushed experimental long term safety skipped flu. Make The D9 Black Again Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.  Vaccine Was a Walker before the pandemic still a Walker. Marketplace full of brand new bikes for sale. You could see the new bikes and the person who hadn't ridden a bike since they were at school. If you can’t get a bike then walk instead Walking is good for you too plus. Home: Shop Trendingshirts