Found,or its high positive cases rate is low. Track and trace will only work if law and that's not going to happen as its not enforceable and any way. Wash your hands, stay away from crowds if you have symptoms and put on clean pants in the morning The Horse Make Me Happy Humans Make My Head Hurt Vintage Retro Shirt Govt itself declared that the App and the ability not only to test but to trace was crucial to easing lockdown. Tracing by phone is failing to identify hotspots infected people are capable of phoning their friends, relatives and employers themselves, it's the unknown contacts who.
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Need to be traced, shops, public buildings and schools
they have been in need to be identified so that if others with positive tests
results have those same places in common, hot spots can be identified and
closed if necessary Cleverley states hundreds of thousands being tested each
day since when Last I heard we had the capacity to test a day.
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