Welcome to the Plannedemic. Most will recover some will recover but will never be the same and others will not survive . We need to adapt to what normal is and for everyone's sake young or old respect the freedom we are given by lifting of restrictions and not act stupidly by abusing them The Beer Vs The Buffalo Get Out Before They Go Down Vintage Shirt freedom for large demonstrations packed recreational areas sports grounds and house parties will come but not until covid-19 is beaten and not just controlled.
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You are responsible for tens of thousands who have died from
lockdown and all those who will die from it in the future, you fake news
peddling, fear mongering shills. Where is all this money coming from our taxes
will be higher now. Nothing about the families of people with altzeimers having
to sell their homes in order to pay for care. Cladding on blocks of flats still
not been taken down and could cause more cases like grenfell yet.
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