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same restrictions that are already in place. The same restrictions that have
been ignored by sufficient numbers of people in Leicester and has resulted in
the surge Surely continuing to extend the exact same restrictions as a response
is effectively no response at all From the This Weekend I’ve Decided To Do A Juice Cleanse And By Juice I Mean Beer Vintage Shirt beginning of the coronavirus
pandemic the global elites have saturated us with fear and panic. They do this
primarily to cause confusion which acts as a cover for what they are really
This Weekend I’ve Decided To Do A Juice Cleanse And By Juice I Mean Beer Vintage Shirt, Sweater, Hoodie, And Long Sleeved, Ladies.

The media had one unrelenting message and we, the collective global
population, signed off on that. Then we were told there would be no going back,
that the lockdown and the crashing of the economy was the ‘new normal’. Now
what The remedy for the ‘new normal’ that they themselves had created could only
be found in a wait for it a vaccine administered to every human being on the
face of the earth.
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